By Anna Belson
Getting to know your professors in college is beneficial to understanding and succeeding in what you want to accomplish.
It is okay to ask for help when you need it! It shows your professors that you care and are motivated to learn and succeed in school.
Professors want you to succeed; they enjoy helping students fully understand the material they are teaching.
Most professors have “office hours,” where you can meet with your professor outside of class and ask a particular question and get extra help. I have found attending office hours to be beneficial for me whenever I am struggling to complete an assignment or understand certain material.
Professors also find it impressive whenever students reach out for help because it shows that they have been paying attention and studying on their own.
Another thing that I have found to improve my work is asking my professors for feedback. It is important to recognize the areas you struggle in and the areas you are strong in.
Understand what each of your professors is looking for and expecting. Every professor is different, so one professor might have a different suggestion than the other. Students also have different learning styles. As your professors get to know you more, they will know how to help you learn better.
Building a relationship with your professor can provide you with opportunities down the road. If your professor knows that you are interested in their field, they may recommend you for an internship.
I reached out to one of my past professors about finding an internship, and he introduced me to Now, I intern for them and have built great relationships with the other interns.
Next week, I will be discussing: Don’t give in to peer pressure.