How to Tour the Ole Miss Campus During Coronavirus Quarantine

The University of Mississippi is renowned for having one of the most beautiful campuses in America, as acknowledged by the likes of USA Today. There has long been a saying among campus recruiters: If we can get them to campus once for a visit, they always want to come back.

But, getting to campus at this moment is not possible, due to the 2020 coronavirus quarantine, that has most of America at home, and Ole Miss students finishing classes online for this semester.

Spring, of course, is a busy campus tour season, since rising high school juniors are narrowing choices and some seniors and community college transfers are making final choices. Visitors typically find the well-manicured Ole Miss campus in full bloom.

Innovation is required in times like this, and Ole Miss Admissions is upping its game, making sure everyone interested gets a campus tour, and all questions are answered. Admissions is now offering virtual information sessions every weekday at 1:15 p.m., and you can sign up online here

Additionally, there are two ways to take the Ole Miss campus tour from wherever you are. This map provides detailed information about buildings and services on campus, including valuable history and personal insights. But the best tours of Ole Miss come with student guides, and you can get that here. It’s so good that alumni and other friends of the university may learn something new.

UM Development Staff

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
Sports Editor