Colleges Against Cancer Aims to Strike Out Cancer
By Tavia Moore
Hottytoddy.com Intern
Residents of the LOU community are highly encouraged to attend the bowling tournament hosted by Colleges Against Cancer Monday, Oct. 21, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Premier Lanes in Oxford.
The tournament will benefit the American Cancer Society and its mission to raise awareness by fundraising money for research.
The tournament is divided into three skill levels so participants can play at their own discretion. Trophies are presented to a winner from each skill level. Participation in the tournament is $25 and the proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society.
Jennifer Ventura, vice president of marketing and public relations for Colleges Against Cancer, said she is eager to bring the tournament to Oxford.
“This is our first bowling tournament that we are having in a few years, so we are super excited about it,” she said.
Ventura said she is proud of the charitable effort that Colleges Against Cancer and American Cancer Society emanate in the community.
“The great thing about CAC and ACS is that the donations are distributed locally to help your region and what they need to fight cancer,” Ventura said.
For more information regarding the tournament, participants can email Summer Jefferson at smjeffer@go.olemiss.edu.