Tri-Lakes Area Job and Career Fair Friday in Water Valley
The Tri-Lakes Area Job and Career Fair is Friday and the list of businesses and industries committed to coming continues to grow in the final days of preparation.
Scheduled at the Water Valley First Baptist Church Activities Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., more than two dozen companies from Yalobusha and surrounding counties will have booths set up.
The list of companies includes Ajinomoto Foods, BorgWarner, Yalobusha Health Services, EMI Staffing, Mississippi Department of Corrections, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Public Broadcasting, Blauer, HTI Employment Solutions, North Mississippi Regional Center, Three Rivers PDD, Performance Food Service, Modine and many others.
Adam Todd, director of the Governor’s Job Fair Network of Mississippi, urged attendees to dress for success, bring plenty of resumes and come with a positive attitude. Todd also said that the job fairs can include on-the-spot hires as well connects that lead to hiring in the future.
The job fair is sponsored by the Yalobusha County Economic Development District and is part of the Governor’s Job Fair Network of Mississippi.
Provided by David Howell, North Mississippi Herald