MDOT Provides Mississippians with Hurricane Prep Resources

By Talbert Toole
Lifestyles Editor

As the southern region of the U.S. approaches mid-hurricane season, the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) tweeted a link to several downloadable kits for Mississippians—specifically, those living on the coast—to use in case of a hurricane.

Photo via Twitter.

Two-thirds of hurricanes that have hit the mainland of the U.S. have hit the Gulf Coast, accord to the MDOT hurricane page.

The website provides downloadable pamphlets for various uses such as survival kit checklist and evacuation route guide for Mississippi residents.

Photo via MDOT.

Nearly 13 years ago, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast on Aug. 25, 2005, killing approximately 2,000 Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi residents, and damaged approximately 90,000 acres of the U.S, reported. MDOT played a vital role in rebuilding the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

For more information on ways to prepare for hurricanes, visit

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