News & Views
Oxford Introduces its New ‘Traffic Calming Policy’
Oxford’s Board of Alderman adopted a new Traffic Calming Policy, providing a step-by-step procedure to address citizens concerns regarding speeding cars in neighborhoods, excessive cut-through traffic, or other safety concerns that may arise.
The city instructs citizens to report a traffic calming problem by submitting a Traffic Calming Request Form to the Public Works Department. A copy of this form is available on the Oxford website, at City Hall or can be requested by calling the Public Works Department at (662) 232-2306.
Requests are prioritized on a first-come-first served basis by the date the form is received at the Public Works Department. A copy of the Traffic Calming Policy is available for download here:
To ensure fairness for all citizens: All requests, including those from neighborhoods that have previously and/or recently requested traffic calming devices, must be submitted on the Traffic Calming Request Form in order to claim a place in the prioritization.