OPC Looking For Soccer Referees
Interested in being an Oxford Park Commission soccer referee and earning between $12 and $20 per game? U.S. Soccer Federation certification is required for all OPC referees.
Don’t have one? No need to fret. An Entry Level course is being held at the OPC main office on Saturday, Aug. 19th. You must be at least 12 years old to become certified.
The OPC offers countless recreational activities, and Athletics Manager, Jared Barkley knows that in order to do so, they need the proper staff.
“The Oxford Park Commission is privileged to offer many high-quality recreational activities, included youth soccer, to our community,” Barkley said. “A vital part of being able to offer these activities relies on our ability to properly staff games with trained referees and officials.”
Contact Jared Barkley at jared@oxfordparkcommission.com for more information.
Courtesy of the Oxford Park Commission
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