MDOT Assessing Damage Statewide After Winter Storm
The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) is assessing the state of the highway system in response to winter weather that moved through the state this past weekend.
“Emergency situations like this winter weather event exemplify the state’s need for a competent, skilled and experienced workforce who can immediately transition from day to day operations to first responders,” said MDOT Executive Director Melinda McGrath.
The coordinated efforts of all areas of MDOT including maintenance and construction staff, Enforcement Officers and administration was vital to MDOT’s emergency response. The expertise of the staff in these areas ensured the safest and most effective response.
“MDOT crews have now switched from first response to cleanup efforts,” McGrath said. “Employees are out on the roads today surveying the damage caused by this winter storm.”
Statewide, MDOT maintenance crews are assessing guardrails and cable barriers along the interstates that were damaged due to wrecks caused by icy conditions, as well as patching potholes that have developed because of the cold, wet weather. In addition to these repairs, crews in central and southwest Mississippi continue to focus on removing sand and slag from bridges in the area. MDOT crews in southwest Mississippi also continue cleanup efforts from last week’s tornadoes, including removing trees and debris from state-maintained right of way.
“The safety of the traveling public is our top priority,” McGrath said. “I am proud of the way our staff came together from all corners of the state to provide continuous emergency response throughout this event to assist motorists in need and reinstate safe travel on Mississippi’s roads and bridges.”
In the coming days and weeks, MDOT crews will continue to assess damage and make necessary repairs to Mississippi’s roads and bridges to ensure the state’s transportation infrastructure remains safe for the traveling public.
“I want to ask the public for patience as we work to restore the damage caused by this winter storm,” McGrath said. “MDOT maintenance crews and Enforcement Officer are in highly dangerous situations every day. Please slow down and use extreme caution as you approach and travel through highway work zones.”
Courtesy of MDOT.
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