FNB is giving public school teachers who live in Lee and Lafayette Counties the opportunity to apply for a loan covering the full cost of the Master Teacher Program offered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
Once a teacher applies and becomes accepted to the Master Teacher Program, they receive a candidate number. Upon receiving that number, the teachers will go to FNB to apply for the loan. If approved, the teacher will receive the full $1,975 up front to pay for the program. Upon completion of the program, the state of Mississippi reimburses the teacher for the cost of the program, and the teacher will then use that money to pay off the loan to FNB. FNB will waive all interest and processing costs associated with this loan if payment is received as agreed upon.
Johnny Barrett, FNB president, noted that the loan is not designed for the bank to be profitable, it is simply a means to provide teachers with the money they need to better serve the students at their schools by completing this program.
“Realizing that a good education is more essential than ever before throughout the workplace, all students in our community must have the opportunity to receive the very best education possible,” Barrett said. “FNB desires to participate in this program by providing an incentive for the teachers in our community to take advantage of the master teacher program without the necessity of coming out-of-pocket to begin the course work.”
To learn more information about this program, please contact Anne Ketchum or Pam Murphree at FNB, Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank, 662-234-2821.
Steven Gagliano is a writer for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at steven.gagliano@hottytoddy.com.
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