United Way of Oxford and Lafayette County Sets a New Record
Thanks to generous donations from so many individuals and businesses, United Way of Oxford and Lafayette County‘s recent campaign has hit $591,500, surpassing our goal of $540,000 and setting a record for our 46-year-old organization.
Your gifts will provide life-changing opportunities to hundreds of LOU individuals and families. These dollars allow United Way to meet people’s basic needs, especially food and shelter, and to promote long-term health, education and financial stability.
Alice Ricks, Executive Director of United Way Oxford & Lafayette County, is thrilled with the record-breaking campaign.
She said, “Because of your generosity, UWOLC will continue to improve local lives and strengthen our community. The hard work of so many, including our 2015 Campaign Co-chairs Susan Massey and James Harper, enabled us to surpass our goal. Special thanks to everyone who played a role in our record breaking success. We are proud to say that 99 percent of every dollar raised stays right here in our community.”
No one organization can serve all the needs in a community. The challenges are complex and the solutions require collaboration. That is why UWOLC is so vital to LOU. We work in partnership with individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and public entities to mobilize all resources.
Because of United Way’s work in the community:
United Way’s record-breaking campaign will mean more people are touched and more lives are improved. Everyone who gave is investing in the successful future of our community.
It’s never too late to give. If you would like to become involved and join us in helping others while improving our community, please contact Kathy Williams at 662-236-4265.
For more information on UWOLC, visit www.unitedwayoxfordms.org.
For questions or comments, email us at hottytoddynews@gmail.com.
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