UM Summer Camps Offer Learning Opportunities for K-12 Students
Students in kindergarten through high school are invited to the University of Mississippi campus this summer to enjoy a variety of fun academic experiences organized by the university’s Division of Outreach and Continuing Education.
Programs are available to suit any student’s interests and weeklong camps on varying dates work well around summer vacation plans.
“We are looking forward to opening the door to academic learning this summer through our variety of camp offerings,” said Kelly Nolan, the university’s project administrator and summer noncredit camps coordinator.
“These summer noncredit camps will help students to use problem-solving and real-world skills to help develop their experience-based knowledge in areas they are most interested in. By studying and gaining life lessons through hands-on work and through the sharing of academic knowledge by UM faculty and staff, students will leave campus having experienced a new kind of summer camp.”
Kindergarten through sixth-grade students looking for adventure can register for the RebelQuest weekly day camp program. The camps offer a new theme each week, including Lego week, outdoor adventure week, junior scientist week and many more. Each week stands alone for registration so families can pick which weeks work best for their schedules and needs.
Ecology day camps offer students plenty of opportunities to get their hands dirty with experiments and activities at the UM Field Station. Students in second through fourth grades can participate during the weeks of June 6-10 or June 13-17. Camp will be open to fifth- and sixth-graders June 20-24 and again June 27- July 1, then seventh- and eighth-graders can attend the week of July 11-15.
A free preview day for Ecology Camp is offered for third- and fourth-graders from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 23 at the Field Station. Email summeracademy@olemiss.edu to register a child for the one-day event.
Middle and high school students who enjoy following clues and solving puzzles have an opportunity to work with the pros during the annual “Days of Intrigue” and CSI camps.
Personnel from the university’s Center for Intelligence and Security Studies will teach students what it is like to work for the FBI or CIA during its annual “Days of Intrigue” camp, set for June 12-15. And if the hit television show “CSI” is more your student’s speed, he or she might enjoy investigating a crime scene during CSI Camp, coming up July 18-22.
The Ole Miss STEM Camp for girls will teach students about roller coaster design and much more during the camps, scheduled for June 6-10 and June 13-17. Female students in sixth through eighth grade are invited to come hear from successful women in varying fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and participate in fun learning activities from each genre.
If dropping an egg off the side of Vaught-Hemingway Stadium sounds like fun, your student might enjoy the annual Engineering Camp program offered in conjunction with the UM Center for Mathematics and Science Education. Students in sixth through eighth grades can participate June 6-10, while students in ninth to 12th grades will attend June 13-17.
Sports fans can get engaged in active research during the School of Engineering’s “Heads in the Game” concussion research camp. Campers work with the latest software to help study and prevent concussions in student-athletes. This monthlong camp takes place May 31-June 29, and generous scholarship packages are available.
Learning how to draw for anime, comic books and many more genres will be explored during the UM Art Camps offered for rising seventh- and eighth-graders June 6-10, and again for ninth- to 12th-graders the week of June 13.
Learn to write your own book and discover numerous other writing genres during creative writing camps, set for June 5-10 for rising seventh- and eighth-graders, and June 12-17 for rising ninth- and 10th-graders. Rising juniors and seniors can participate in a creative writing workshop June 12-17 or July 17-22.
To help students get an edge in the highly competitive college admissions and scholarship process, a “College Admissions and Scholarship Essay Writing” course will be offered from July 10-15 for rising high school juniors and seniors.
The first McLean Entrepreneurial Leadership Program will be offered for rising 10th- and 11th-graders from May 29 to June 3. This innovative program will teach students how local businesses can help solve problems throughout the state by utilizing community engagement.
A Conservation Leadership Program will allow rising high school juniors and seniors to work with Ole Miss professors conducting research on issues associated with conservation, pollution control and more. The camp runs June 19-24.
Students in eighth to 10th grades looking to prepare for college and try out campus life can opt to live and study on campus for the UM Summer Academy program. The program includes two-week sessions studying ACT prep, sports literature, introduction to debate and more. Sessions run June 12-24 and July 10-22.
All courses are offered on the Oxford campus unless specified. Registration and fee information can be found at http://www.outreach.olemiss.
Courtesy of Pamela Starling and the Ole Miss News Desk
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