Arts & Entertainment
Bozarts Sits on Great Holiday Gifts
Early Monday morning, Facebook exploded with an all-call from Bozarts (art) Gallery on Water Valley’s Main Street calling attention to a “sitting” that was about to start.
Being relentlessly dedicated to the arts in our community, we at jumped on the announcement; although none of us were exactly sure what it meant to be involved in an art gallery “sitting.”
Since I — the most skilled sitter at — was available, I searched Google and found that a sitting meant … well, to sit. That sealed it. I grabbed my camera and was off to Bozarts to get my sit on.
Upon entering, the seated art aficionado, Andi Bedsworth, patiently shook her head at me when I explained that I was heeding her all-call and that I was there to sit. Bewildered, I showed her the Facebook post and she patiently explained that she was typing the message on her iPhone and that the “I’m” in the text was unintentionally left out.Being the proficient sitter that I am, I assured her that I was still more than happy (and qualified) to sit with her — Facebook or no Facebook. Her reply; “I do the sitting around here — you, sir, go take your photos.”
And I’m glad I did.
Bozarts Gallery is literally filled with great holiday gifts and it’s only a short hop from the Oxford Square. Their annual miniature show is hung and many of the pieces have a holiday theme; all of which can be viewed while either sitting or standing (no prone positions, please).
And, although parts of this story are fabricated, the above paragraph about Bozarts being filled with great holiday gift ideas is not (that and the part about Bedsworth being an art aficionado).
Bozarts’ special holiday hours are Monday-Friday from noon until 5 p.m.; and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
For more information, visit Bozarts website at or email them at
Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for He can be reached at
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M. Foster
December 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm
I was the official sitter at Bozarts today. Gallery sitting requires skill and a certain amount of finesse. One needs to know when to sit, where to sit and what pose to assume whilst sitting.
Added to that set of skills, one must also know when to stand and when to walk!
Thank you, Jeff, for giving us a plug with good photos of our art. Hoddy Toddy!!
M. Foster
December 16, 2015 at 9:40 pm
Auto correct has misspelled “hotty” once again.
Jeff McVay
December 17, 2015 at 10:53 am
I challenge you to a “sit-off!” You are quite welcome. Happy to do it.