Oxford Chapter Business Networking International Succeed in ‘Givers Gain’
The Oxford Chapter of Business Networking International better known as BNI boasts with its fourth year in existence ending at 3.1 million dollars of closed business under the leadership of President Tony Deal of Deals Auto Repair & Towing.
The philosophy of BNI is built upon the idea of “Givers Gain” which is about trust, commitment and accountability.”
By giving business to others, you will get business in return.
“Within this framework our goal is to educate members that networking is more about farming than it is about hunting or cold calling,” said Justin Childress representing Regions. “It’s about cultivating long term mutually beneficial business relationships!”
Subsequent to this, BNI’s role is to better educate, guide and inform members in the process of developing word-of-mouth based business.
“Belonging to BNI is like having your own marketing team,” said Joshua Gregory of the Range at TGC Outdoors. “When someone is in need of certain products or services, they highly recommend member businesses as well as hand out their business card. Our results are based on the proven concept of what goes around, comes around, thus we both benefit as a result. In addition our members are very passionate about the work they do for others and it is reflected by the number of referrals each receives.”
Only one person from each professional specialty is permitted to join a chapter of BNI. All participants should represent their primary occupation, not a part-time business. Presently the Oxford Chapter is looking for a plumber, family practice (nurse practitioner or MD), home inspector, HVAC, real estate attorney, restaurant, accountant/CPA, commercial realtor, electrician, event planner/coordinator, family counselor, florist, handyman and painter.
BNI has increased one’s business by 20 percent, 30 percent, 50 percent or as much as 100 percent. Some participants have added as many as 50 new clients in the first 2 years! Successful businesses depend on word of mouth.
“And I know it works,” said Laura Mayer of Mayer Family Cleaning. “I have so much business now that I am now looking for employees.”
The Oxford BNI Chapter meets every Tuesday for breakfast from 8am to 9:30 am at the Oxford University Club. Visitors are the lifeblood of any business networking group, if you would like to attend, please contact Rosie Vassallo at 662-234-4651 or rosie@oxfordms.com.