Mississippi IHL Board Presents Dr. Jeffrey Vitter as Preferred Candidate for UM Chancellor

Dr. Ford Dye, Oxonian member of the Mississippi IHL Board, shares his thoughts on Dr. Jeffrey Vitter as the board’s preferred candidate as the next Chancellor at the University of Mississippi.

Update: 2:15 p.m.

IHL Board Chairman Allen Perry announces Dr. Jeffrey Vitter as the IHL Board's preferred candidate.
IHL Board Chairman Allen Perry announces Dr. Jeffrey Vitter as the IHL Board’s preferred candidate.

The Mississippi IHL Board chairman, Allen Perry, presented Dr. Vitter as the “preferred candidate” as the University of Mississippi’s next Chancellor. He explained the vetting process which includes Dr. Vitter in open interviews with campus constituency groups and then the IHL Board considering feedback from the campus groups before deciding on naming him as the new Chancellor.

Dr. Vitter will be on campus Thursday, October 22. If all goes well with the interviews, he will be named as the next chancellor.

This is an unusual approach. He is not yet Chancellor, but observers say he will be: “It’s just the process.”

Watch the video of the press conference below.

Ross Bjork, Ole Miss Athletics director, also shared his thoughts on Dr. Jeffrey Vitteras the IHL board’s preferred candidate.

Read the IHL Board’s press release concerning Dr. Jeffrey Vitter.

Dr. Glenn Boyce, the new IHL Commissioner, speaks at the press conference at the UM.
Dr. Glenn Boyce, the new IHL Commissioner, speaks at the press conference at the UM.

Update: 10:30 a.m.

The Weidie Report, published by former Washington insider, Wayne Weidie, reports that Dr. Jeffrey Vitter, who is expected to be named Chancellor at University of Mississippi at 2 p.m. today, has a previous tie to Mississippi.

According to The Weidie Report: “In 2010 Vitter was one of five finalists for the position of Provost at Mississippi State University. At the time, Vitter was a Provost at Texas A&M. Instead, MSU promoted from within by naming Jerry Gilbert as Provost. There was even one widely circulated report on the MSU campus that Vitter did not get the state job because his credentials were so impressive that he might overshadow then new MSU president Mark Keenum.”

Oxford Mayor Pat Patterson said, “On behalf of the City of Oxford, we welcome Dr. Vitter who has very impressive credentials and look forward to continuing the great town and gown relationship which has characterized Oxford and Ole Miss for 160 years.”

Dr. Jeff€rey Vitter, Chancellor Candidate. 2015
Dr. Jeff€rey Vitter, Chancellor Candidate. 2015

Sources close to the Board of Trustees of Institutions of Higher Learning report that Dr. Jeffery S. Vitter, provost and executive vice chancellor at the University of Kansas, will be named Chancellor at the University of Mississippi.

According to the University of Kansas website, Dr. Vitter is the chief academic and operations officer for the Lawrence and Edwards campuses. A native of New Orleans, Dr. Vitter will be the 17th Chancellor of Ole Miss. He and his wife, Sharon, have three children. He is also 59 years old.

jeffrey vitter 2

Following are details of Dr. Vitter’s career as reported on The University of Kansas website.

“He oversees strategic planning and implementation, which focus on excellence in four important areas: energizing the educational environment, elevating doctoral education, driving discovery and innovation, and engaging scholarship for public impact. Key enablers include developing people, synergy, diversity, external support, efficiency, and infrastructure.

“Before coming to KU, Dr. Vitter held a similar post at Texas A&M University. He served as the Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science and as Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University. He held a distinguished professorship at Duke University and served at Duke as chair of the Department of Computer Science. He had earlier progressed through the faculty ranks and in leadership roles at Brown University.

“His educational degrees include a B.S. with highest honors in mathematics in 1977 from the University of Notre Dame; a Ph.D. in computer science under Prof. Don Knuth in 1980 from Stanford University; and an M.B.A. in 2002 from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

“Dr. Vitter serves on the Board of Advisors for the School of Science and Engineering at Tulane University in New Orleans, as well as a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Science Foundation Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering. He served on the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association (CRA), where he continues to co-chair the Government Affairs Committee. He has served as Chair of ACM SIGACT, the Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory of the world’s largest computer professional organization, the Association for Computing Machinery.

“Dr. Vitter’s research deals with the algorithmic aspects of processing, compressing, and communicating massive amounts of information. He has been elected a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He has been named National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, a Fulbright Scholar, and an IBM Faculty Development Awardee. He has over 280 book, journal, conference, and patent publications reflecting his research interests.”

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