Oxford School District Lunch Tray Town Hall Meeting Next Tuesday
Oxford School District (OSD) invites citizens to join them at the table during the district’s Lunch Tray Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, September 29, where the conversation will center on Oxford students and school nutrition.
The event, hosted by the district’s Child Nutrition Department, will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Oxford Middle School cafeteria, 222 Bramlett Boulevard. Learn how new school lunch recipes, school gardens and salad bars benefit your child’s nutrition. Take home healthy recipes and tips.
The event is free and open to the public, but online event registration is required. The first 300 individuals to register for the event online will receive a complimentary heart-healthy meal and free cookbook, thanks to our community partners Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi and the American Heart Association.
Be a part of the conversation: share your food for thought. Visit www.oxfordsd.org/LunchTrayTownHall to reserve your spot at the table.