Acting Chancellor Morris Stocks reached out to MSU President Mark Keenum today offering support as Mississippi State University dealt with a threat alert this morning.
Stocks spoke for the Ole Miss family in expressing thanks that there were no injuries, that a suspect was apprehended quickly and that the campus soon returned to normal.
“This is a reminder to all of us to be vigilant and to know what you will do individually should an alert be issued on our campus,” Stocks said. “We are thankful our friends and colleagues at MSU are safe. We are thankful MSU was prepared and that we are prepared. And we encourage everyone to be individually prepared.”
Students who have not yet registered for RebAlert should do so immediately and follow RebAlert on Twitter for immediate notification should there be a campus threat. Also, students, faculty and staff should visit to review helpful information for responding to a threat. An active shooter video on that website will be helpful.
Students should contact the Ole Miss Counseling Center if they have concerns, if they are feeling unusual levels of stress during the start of the school year, or if they have a friend who needs support.
UPD Chief Tim Potts has been monitoring the events at MSU and reports that the university has reviewed its processes for managing similar events and is fully prepared. He said his team and other emergency responders attended a FEMA workshop in Starkville last week in which procedures for emergency response were reviewed.
“This is a reminder that everyone on campus must be vigilant at all times and report any suspicious activity,” Potts said.