Northwest Offers Several Fall Continuing Education Credit Classes
The Division of Continuing Education at Northwest Mississippi Community College is offering several classes on the Senatobia campus this fall. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for each class. All classes will be held on the Senatobia campus.
Microsoft Excel (1.5 CEUs) Students will learn how to get around in Excel without being intimidated by the program. Some of the skills covered in the class are setting up a workbook, setting up formulas, sorting, filtering, charts, using Excel in other programs and printing.
Excel is a computer program that is often preferred or required when employers are looking for new personnel. If someone is looking to re-enter the working world, this would be an excellent class to take in order to have a working knowledge of Excel.
The class will be offered Tuesdays, Sept. 8 – Nov. 3 from 6-8 p.m. The fee is $120 and the class will be held in Berry 104. The deadline to register is Sept. 1.
Essentials for your Personal Computer (1.0 CEU)
This class is geared toward those who want more information about managing their own computers using Windows’ latest operating system, how to personalize and configure Windows 7 and how to install and remove programs.
Other topics include protecting a PC with Windows Security Center, setting up passwords for multiple users, saving important information onto CDs, creating back-ups, using an external hard drive and troubleshooting.
The class will be offered Wednesdays, Sept. 9 – 30 from 6 – 8 p.m. The fee is $110 and the class will be held in Berry 104. The deadline to register is Sept. 1.
Beginning Photography (1.5 CEUs)
The beginning photography class was created to be quick and easy to understand for beginner photographers – even those who feel they are beyond help of being able to understand their camera.
The class will help students understand the basics of light, how the eye fixes lighting and how to get the camera to catch what your eye sees to produce better pictures. The course will also help students understand the camera and how to take better pictures with it.
The class will be offered Mondays, Sept. 14 – Oct. 26 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. The fee is $120 and the class will be held in Berry 201. The deadline to register is Sept. 3.
Current Topics in Science (1.5 CEUs)
This course will examine current issues in science and things that are happening in our world today. Homeschoolers and classroom teachers: don’t miss this opportunity to learn about these topics to teach your students.
Topics will include disease outbreaks and investigations, antibiotic resistance, the obesity crisis, immunizations and vaccinations and whether or not they are necessary, virus updates and their links to cancer and global warming and understanding the genetic, environmental and behavioral indicators of health and disease.
This course will be very interactive with class discussions concerning these current topics. No previous science background is required to take this course.
The class will be offered Mondays, Sept. 14 – Oct. 26 from 5:30- 8 p.m. The fee is $120 and the class will be held in the MAS 305. The deadline to register is Sept. 10.
Basic Computers (1.0 CEU)
This class is designed for adults who have little or no previous computer experience.
General computer use and terminology will be discussed as participants learn basic skills in using Windows 7. This class is ideal for seniors who are interested in learning how to use the computer.
The class will be offered Tuesdays, Sept. 22 – Oct. 27 from 6-8 p.m. The fee is $110 and the class will be held in the Berry 104. The deadline to register is Sept. 10.
Civil Rights for Educators (1.5 CEUs)
As required by the Mississippi Department of Education, the history of Mississippi Civil Rights should be introduced to students in grades K-12 across the curriculum. This course will offer teachers a chance to gain deeper knowledge of Civil Rights and ways to implement it into every classroom. Lecture, discussion, films and field trips will be utilized during this course.
See where the Civil Rights movement began in Money, Mississippi and explore the Crossroads where Robert Johnson claimed to have sold his soul to the devil. Acquire knowledge and insight as you explore this monumental period of time in the United States.
The class will be offered Mondays, Sept. 21- Nov. 2 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. The fee is $120 and the class will be held in the Berry 200. The deadline to register is Sept. 10.
Photoshop Elements 12 (1.0 CEUs)
Once you take pictures, do you know how to get them off of your camera? Do you have memories stuck on your memory card?
This class is perfect for the backyard and ball field photographer who wants to make the best of family pictures. You will learn how to import digital images, edit your images, work with layers, enhance and retouch your pictures, apply filters and how to save and share your photos.
The class will be offered Mondays, Nov. 2 – 30 from 6 – 8 p.m. The fee is $110 and the class will be held in the Berry 104. The deadline to register is Oct. 22.
To register for a class, drop by the Continuing Education office or visit the Northwest website at www.northwestms.edu and download the Continuing Education brochure which contains a registration form that can be returned to the office by mail or in person.
Registration fees are refunded in full if the class for which and enrollment is full, the class is cancelled or the student notifies the office of Continuing Education prior to the registration deadline. Class fees may be paid by cash, check or credit card.
For more information, contact Pam Wooten, coordinator of Continuing Education at 562-3349 or email pwooten@northwestms.edu.