April’s Adoptive Pet: Juliette, the Oldest Puppy in the Room

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Oxford-Lafayette Humane Society has a small brown puppy who loves to be held by many but hopes find a forever home full of hugs from a cuddly owner.

Many a dog-lover who have visited Oxford-Lafayette Humane Society may know its two puppy rooms well. The room is full of litters sprawled out on blankets either inside or outside. The litters sometimes shrink one by one as puppies find their forever homes, and that is what happened to Juliette, a boxer mix, whose brother, Romeo, was adopted.

Jennifer Petermann, director of OLHS, said, “Juliette has been in the puppy room the longest.”

She and her brother were found as strays in Lafayette County and taken to the shelter when they were eight weeks old.

Marsha Potts, the kennel technician for the OLHS puppy rooms, said, “They were both very shy and scared, huddled together. It took them several weeks to finally come out of the shell.”

Just last month her brother Romeo was adopted. Juliette remains upbeat though. After a day’s play with Juliette it’s hard to believe she came from outdoors as a shy puppy she immediately responds to hugs with nuzzling.

Juliette is a pleasant dog. Even when she was in a pen outdoors she bounced around and stood against the fencing to ask for petting. Due to her sweet nature she is a hit at OLHS’ adoptive events such as Pet a Pet at the Ole Miss baseball series last weekend.

“She was very popular there,” said Petermann. “She just loves to be held. Even the little kids were holding her.”

She may be the last of her litter but she can become a new family member if there are anyone interested in adopting an affectionate Boxer mix who loves plentiful cuddles and keeping up with people she likes.

Potts said, “She can get along with dogs so if there are any dog owners looking to add one more, she would be great.”

For those interested in possibly adopting her can find her profile on the OLHS website. OLHS can be reached by emailing OLHSadoptions@gmail.com or calling 662-801-6788 (Adoption Hotline).

Callie Daniels is a staff reporter for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at callie.daniels@hottytoddy.com.