7 Drinks to get you in the Summer Spirit

We all know that in Mississippi, good eatin’ and good company are never hard to find. 
Fried Chicken, shrimp n’ grits, macaroni and cheese, biscuits and gravy…the list goes on and on.
But when it comes to drinks only one thing comes to mind: sweet tea. Southerners and sweet ice tea go together like football season and the Grove. No matter the season, tea is served over ice and consumed by the gallon.
As the warm weather nears and the pitchers of sweet tea are plenty, try these new recipes if you are over the age of 1 plus twenty. Also, please keep in mind that we are talking about responsible drinking and always using a taxi, designated driver or one of the new pedicabs in Oxford, instead of driving your car, if you have had too much to drink.
1. If you want a little kick… 

Photo courtesy of https://www.drinksmixer.com/drink590.html
Photo courtesy of original website

Long Island Iced Tea

1 part vodka, 1 part tequila, 1 part rum, 1 part gin, 1 part triple sec, 1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix, 1 splash Coca-Cola
Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into the glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at the top. Garnish with lemon.
Recipe from https://www.drinksmixer.com/drink590.html
2. If you love beer but don’t want the bloat…

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Photo courtesy of original website

Summer Beer

4 light Mexican beers, 1 can frozen limeade concentrate, 1/2 to 1 empty limeade can filled with vodka, fresh lime and salted rim to taste
Combine ingredients in a pitcher and stir it up. For best results, fill the glasses with ice rather than the pitcher to avoid watering it down. Also, do not let the drinks sit out for too long so that the beer does not go flat.
Recipe from https://thenestinggame.com/2013/04/22/mexican-summer-beer/
3. For the wine-lovers out there…

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Photo courtesy of original website

Cucumber Sangria

1 small honeydew melon, 1 seedless cucumber, thinly sliced 1 lime, thinly sliced, 12 fresh mint leaves, 1/4 cup lime juice, 1/4 cup honey, 750 milliliter bottle Sauvignon blanc or other semi-dry white wine, chilled, 1 liter bottle carbonated water, chilled, Fresh mint (optional)
Cut and combine melon, cucumber, lime slices, and mint leaves in a large pitcher. In a small bowl, stir together lime juice and honey until combined and pour over melon mixture. Add wine, stirring slowly. Cover and chill for 2 hours and stir in carbonated water to serve. Garnish with additional mint if desired.
Recipe from https://www.bhg.com/recipes/drinks/seasonal/summer-beverage-recipes/#page=3
4. If you want somethin’ strong and sweet… 

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Photo courtesy of original website

Blackberry-Bourbon Lemonade

1/4 cul bourbon, 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons Blackberry-Rosemary Syrup, 1/3 cup sparking lemonade, chilled Fresh blackberries (optional)
To make Blackberry-Rosemary Syrup:
12 ounces fresh blackberries (2 1/2 cups), 1 1/2 tablespoons snipped fresh rosemary, 3/4 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar *Combine blackberries, rosemary, water, and sugar in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and summer, uncovered, 20 to 25 minutes until the blackberries are breaking down and liquid is syrupy and reduced by about half. Mash blackberries during last part of cooking time with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat and cool. Strain into a clean jar, pressing the fruit to extract all of the liquid (should be about 2/3 cup). Store in refrigerator up to 1 week.
Combine bourbon, lemon juice, Blackberry-Rosemary Syrup and ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake for 30 seconds, until chilled. Strain into an ice-filled glass. Top with sparking lemonade. Garsnish with 2 or 3 blackberries, if desired.
Recipe from https://www.bhg.com/recipes/drinks/seasonal/summer-beverage-recipes/#page=5
5. If you want a tequila drink with a little bit of pink… 

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Photo courtesy of original website

Strawberry Margarita

Kosher salt, 10 lime wedges, 3 cups Triple Sec or other orange liqueur, 2 cups tequila, 1 1/2 cups freshly squeezed lime joice, 1 cup superfine sugar or powdered sugar, 2 cups fresh hulled strawberries, Ice cubes
Place salt on a small plate and rub rims of glasses with lime wedges. Dip rims of glasses in salt. Combine Triple Sec, tequila, lime juice, and sugar in a pitcher. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Place strawberries and 1/4 cup tequila mixture in blender or food processor. Cover and blend until smooth. Stir into remaining tequila mixture. Chill and then serve.
Recipe from https://www.bhg.com/recipes/drinks/seasonal/summer-beverage recipes/#page=22

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Photo courtesy of original website

6. If you want a sweet treat… 

Drunken Root Beer Float

1 or 2 scoops vanilla ice cream per glass, 2 oz of either Jagermeister or Vanilla Vodka Root Beer (to fill the rest of the glass)
For best results, chill the liquor and mason jar or jug before you enjoy!

Recipe from https://www.trusper.com/tips/Drunkin-Root-Beer-Float/6799644

7. If you need a detox after all of that retox… 

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Photo courtesy of original website

Detox Water

1-2 liters water, Part of 1 watermelon or 1 cucumber, 1 lemon or lime, A handful of fresh mint leaves, (10-13) Ice cubes
Recipe from https://chefthisup.com/recipe/8070/detox-water/ 

Joanie Sanders is a staff writer for Hottytoddy.com and can be reached at jgsander@go.olemiss.edu