Anna’s Advice: Don’t stress about being indecisive regarding your major.

By HottyToddy Intern Anna Belson

Being indecisive regarding your major is one of the most common feelings
within students. However, it is important to remember that you have the time
and the resources to figure out what you want to do.

Taking all of the general and required classes your freshman year will help
you realize your interests and skills. You also have the flexibility to change
your major if you realize it is not something you want to pursue!

There is no rush when it comes to discovering your passion; you will figure it
out as you go, and it will all come to you!

I started my freshman year as undeclared because I had no idea what I was
interested in or wanted to do. A year later, I realized that I really enjoyed social
media marketing based on a marketing elective that I took.

Now, as a senior, I am a marketing and communications strategy major, and
it definitely has been the right path for me to go down.

However, I did not know that until I took a variety of classes and realized
which classes interested me the most.

It can definitely be stressful when people around you have a predetermined
path that they know they want to pursue, but everyones’ journeys are

If you do decide to switch your major, it is important to look at it as an
opportunity to realize what you don’t like. It might have felt like a waste of
time, but you might have never found your true passion.

It is important to follow your gut! You want to be passionate about the path
you take because it will ultimately be what you practice during your lifetime.
You are not alone in feeling this way, so talk to other students around you! It
is always reassuring to know that other people are going through something
similar to you.

Find something that you enjoy and love doing because there is a lot of time
to reevaluate your decision if you don’t! Everything will fall into place as time
goes on and from the more you grow.

Next week, I will be discussing:
Prioritize your mental health. Covers Ole Miss Sports, Oxford Entertainment, Dining & More