Anna’s Advice: Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to find your friends

By Anna Belson

HottyToddy Intern

Finding your friends in college can take time, especially being far away from home and being in a new town that you aren’t as comfortable with. 

Building genuine relationships and connections with new people is not something that typically happens right away. 

It is important to remember that everyone is in the same boat and most likely feeling the same way you are. 

Being from Jackson, I knew a lot of people going to Ole Miss, including a few of my friends. 

However, I didn’t know anyone going into my sorority, so I understand the feeling. It definitely is nerve racking at first, but over time, the nerves diminish the more people you get to know. 

There are so many more opportunities to meet people in college; whether that is meeting from being in the same class, being in the same sorority/fraternity, joining a club/organization, or even just crossing paths randomly. 

Friend groups can always change over time, and they might not always click right away. But, it is never too late to find your true friends, so don’t worry about not having it all figured out; It will happen with time. 

It is important to put yourself out there and if you meet someone who you could see yourself getting along with, invite them to do something. It might feel awkward, but like I said before, everyone is in the same boat. 

Give yourself some grace and be yourself; everything will work out the way it is supposed to! 

Next week, I will be discussing: 

Don’t stress about being indecisive regarding your major.

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
Sports Editor