Bramlett Kindergarten PlacesDistrict Top 10 in Mississippi
The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment for the 2022-2023 school year places the Oxford School District in the top 10 in Mississippi, with 75.15% of students scoring above a 681.
A spring scale score of 681 places students on a trajectory to meet end-of-grade 3 reading expectations.
A beginning-of-year score of 530 was identified as the kindergarten readiness benchmark for all students (Renaissance Learning 2014).
Bramlett Elementary kindergarteners began the 2022-2023 school year above the benchmark at 541 and ended the school year last spring with an average scale score of 728 – a gain of 187 points.
The primary purpose of the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment is to improve the quality of classroom instruction and other services provided to students from birth to 3rd grade. Based on extensive research, 85% of students scoring 530 or higher at the beginning of kindergarten are proficient in reading at the end of third grade.
“Bramlett’s teachers and families work together each year to get our Kindergarten students prepared to read – and it starts as soon as they enter our doors in PreK and Kindergarten. These spring test results place the OSD among the top in Mississippi for successful Kindergarten programs, and we are extremely proud of their hard work,” said Bradley Roberson, OSD Superintendent.
The Mississippi Department of Education Kindergarten Readiness Assessment update for the 2022-23 school year showed students made gains during the past year, coming closer to reaching pre-pandemic achievement levels.
View the full MDE Report here.
Staff report