On the Ballot: Lafayette County Supervisors
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Voters will head to the polls from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Aug. 8 to vote either on a Republican or Democratic ballot on Tuesday in the Mississippi Primary.
There are races in several state offices, as well as House and Senate races and local county elections.
This week Hotty Toddy News will run a story each day, breaking down the races and who will be running on each ballot. Due to the number of candidates, particularly in the local county elections, bios and separate stories will not be run for each primary candidate but will be done before the general election in November.
Today, we look at the busy Supervisor race.
Each Supervisor District has at least two candidates on the Republican ballot. On the Democrat ballot, only one district, District 3, has more than one candidate.
In District 1 on the Republican ballot, incumbent Brent Larson will take on challengers Anthony Cox and Carole Arnold. There is no Democratic candidate so this race will likely be decided on Aug. 8.
In District 2, there is no incumbent. Candidates Dru Jones and John Morgan will go head-to-head. The winner will face the only Democratic candidate, Avery Dunn, in November.
In District 3, incumbent David Rikard faces Josh Thweatt. The winner will face the Democratic winner in November. On the Democratic ballot, in District 3 will be Larandust Coleman, Dale T. Coleman and Will Tidwell.
In District 4, Scott Allen will face Derek Mooney. Incumbent Chad McClarty is running as an Independent. The winner will face McClarty and Democrat Anne M. Klingen in November.
In District 5, Greg Bynum, Johnny Mike Fortner and Jason Kent will vie for the Republican bid. There is no incumbent in this race. The winner will face Democratic candidate Don Mason.