Have you ever thought that you could create a better message for the signs you see above the roadways? Now is your chance to prove it!
The Mississippi Department of Transportation is holding its annual Safety Message Contest.
Submit your clever or punny message for the chance to win and see it posted on Mississippi DMS boards.
The contest will run from July 17 through 31.
“MDOT’s main focus is safety; we want everyone, the traveling public and our roadside workers, to make it where they’re going every day,” said Brad White MDOT Executive Director. “These messages you see along the roadways help remind drivers of easy ways to increase their safety when behind the wheel.”
MDOT’s traffic safety messages appear on DMS boards along highways and interstates throughout Mississippi. These messages, which are often related to current events and pop culture, are part of an effort to encourage drivers to change their actions behind the wheel.
However, any local emergency messages and traffic updates automatically override scheduled messages on the DMS boards.
Messages are submitted on MDOT’s Social Media pages @MississippiDOT on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
There is no limit to the number of messages you can submit, but below are some guidelines to remember:
- The message must relate to traffic safety.
- Signs can only accommodate three lines and 21 characters per line, including spaces.
- Hashtags, phone numbers and website addresses are not allowed.
- No emojis.
For this year’s contest, participants are encouraged to focus their messages on the following themes:
- Speeding
- Distracted Driving/Texting and Driving
- Seat Belt Safety
- Sober Driving
- Work Zone Safety
- Turn Signals/Blinkers
- Left Lane Driving Etiquette
Staff report