Oxford Looking for Citizens to Fill Three Commission Vacancies
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The city of Oxford is taking applications for citizens to fill vacancies on three of its Commissions.
There are vacancies on the Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning Commission and the Pathways Commission.
According to the city of Oxford’s website on commissions, the Historic Preservation Commission oversees the South Lamar District, the Depot District, the Jefferson Madison District, and the North Lamar District. The commission ensures the city’s historic resources are protected and promoted.
The Oxford Planning Commission consider ordinances, codes and districts and base decisions on that information. All development in Oxford must go through this Board and must be approved to proceed. The Planning Commission works closely with the Planning Department.
The goal of the Pathways project is to diversify and increase transportation and recreation opportunities in Oxford by creating an interconnected grid of bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalks and multi-use paths.
All three commissions meet once a month unless a special meeting is called.
If interested in serving or would like more information, call city hall at 662-236-1310 or email cityhall@oxfordms.net.