Oxford Pantry Closed for Renovations; Mobile Sites Begin Wednesday
The Oxford Food Pantry closed its doors for the summer on Memorial Day and won’t reopen until around Labor Day while the food bank is renovated to provide more space.
However, food will still be distributed to patrons at mobile pantries once a month.
The first Mobile Food Pantry will be on Wednesday at the Jackson Avenue Center in front of the former JC Penny building. Distributions will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until the food runs out.
The renovation project will increase the Pantry’s capacity to receive larger donations of canned, dry, refrigerated and frozen foods.
The Pantry has fed an average of 600 families per month in recent months.
Existing clients will receive emails with a listing of all MidSouth Food Bank mobile food pantry locations.
For those who are new to the Pantry and will require food during those months, they can register at the mobile sites with proof of residence.
Follow The Pantry on Facebook for updates on mobile pickup locations or volunteering.
Pick-up dates and locations. All days begin at 9 a.m.
June 7: JAC parking lot in front of former JC Penny
June 9: New Hope Baptist Church
June 14: Lafayette County Arena
July 5: Lafayette County Arena
July 14: New Hope Baptist Church
July 19: JAC parking lot in front of old JC Penny
Aug. 3: JAC parking lot in front of old JC Penny
Aug. 11: New Hope Baptist Church
Aug. 21: Lafayette Country Arena