District 4 Voting Precinct Officially Back at JAC With Agreement Signed
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The agreement between Lafayette County leaders and the University of Mississippi to move the District 4 precinct back to the JAC is a signed and done deal.
“We’d like to thank Chancellor Boyce for his efforts in making this happen,” said District 4 Supervisor Chad McLarty. “Perry Sansing and the legal team at the university. I want to thank Jeff Busby, the circuit clerk; Laura Antonow, the election commissioner for the district; and Oxford Alderman Jason Bailey for getting this going.”
In July 2018, the University told the county the JAC could no longer be used as the university didn’t want to be affiliated with any political aspects of elections by allowing their building to be used as a precinct.
The precinct was moved to the Lafayette Civic Center off Highway 6 West near Tommie Collie Jane Road; however, the location had several issues including space inside the small building and parking troubles for voters.
“We want to thank the Civic Center for allowing us to use their building for the last few years,” McLarty said.
McLarty said the JAC building is a bigger and safer area for voters.
The Lafayette County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office will be sending all voters in District 4 new cards.