Science and Engineering Fair Top Honors to Oxford High Students
Oxford High School students earned their slots at the 59th annual Mississippi Science and Engineering State Fair where they earned top rankings in many categories.
1st Place Earth and Environmental Science- Class V: William Berry and Keerthin Karthikeyan
Earth and Environmental Science- Sawdust Sorption: A Novel Approach to Removing Cd(Il) and Cr (Ill) from Mississippi River Water
3rd Place- Grace Douglas– Microbiology- Class IV
What Disinfectant Works Best to Decrease Bacteria Growth, 9th grade
2nd Place, Mennah Ibrahim– Earth and Environmental Science- Class IV
Resolving the Debate Linking Plastic Pollution and Sustainable Composite Matter Development, 10th grade
1st Place- Zeyad Ibrahim- Biochemistry- Class V
Exploring The Algae World For Sustainable, Economic, And Environmentally Friendly
Alternative Green Approach For Simultaneous Production Of Electricity And Oxygen
3rd Place- Rishi Nautiyal– Plant Sciences- Class V
Vertical farming for future food sustainability
1st Place- Biochemistry- Alexandra Ritchie- Class IV
Effect of DNA Repair on UV Sensitivity in Yeast
Special Awards
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
William Berry & Keerthin Karthikeyan- Oxford High School
Presented to the science fair student whose research has demonstrated the principles and technical innovations that offer the greatest potential for an improved understanding of Earth’s dynamic processes
United States Agency for International Development
Rishi Nautiyal- Oxford High School
The United States Agency for International Development would like to award one certificate for scientific excellence and using science innovatively to create a potential solution to international development challenges.
Justice Manning Award for Environmental Excellence
1st Place – Zeyad Ibrahim, Oxford High School
Alternate – Meenah Ibrahim, Oxford High School
Grand Award
Rishi Nautiyal, Oxford High School
Courtesy of the OSD