Lizzie Borden Murder Crime Workshop
By Allie Watson
Journalism Graduate Student
The art of journalism is based on fact-checking and trustworthy sources.
Ashley S. Dees, research and instruction librarian at the University of Mississippi, hosted an “Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills through True Crime Research: The Case of Lizzie Borden workshop.” Attendees of the workshop were reminded of the importance of using credible sources when researching.
Lizzie Borden’s 1892 case centers around the murder of Borden’s biological father, Andrew Borden, and Borden’s stepmother, Abby Durfee Gray Borden. The pair were found brutally murdered in their Massachusetts home. Mr. Borden was found in the sitting room with 10 wounds to the head, and Mrs. Borden was found in the guest room with 18 wounds to the head. The measurements of the wounds appeared to have come from a hatchet tool.
Lizzie Borden was arrested for the murders of her parents. At the trial, it was concluded that a woman of ordinary strength could have inflicted the wounds with a hatchet.
Despite the evidence, Lizzie Borden was acquitted by the jury.
The crime was never solved, but everyone has a theory.
Over the years, dozens of newspaper articles, books, and biographies have been published with theories and accusations regarding the murderer.
Some went so far as to suggest the sister Emma Borden, who was out of town, committed the murders.
Others believe an illegitimate son whom Borden refused to recognize after the mother of his offspring died committed the murders.
Despite the unsolved double-murder case, two things remain clear: Andrew and Abby Borden were murdered, and the importance of investigating and fact-checking to avoid misinformation remains ever true.