North East Power Sends Students to Youth Leadership Workshop
A group of 82 high school juniors from all over the state gathered at the Westin in Jackson last week for the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi Youth Leadership Workshop.
North East Mississippi Electric Power Association sent nine students from their service territory to participate in the event.
The program instills leadership skills, inspires creative thinking, and encourages community service. During the conference, students participate in team-building activities, have breakfast with their local legislators, and visit the Mississippi State Capitol.
“The Youth Leadership Workshop is a great program that helps future leaders realize their full potential,” said Sarah Brooke Bishop, Communication and Marketing manager for North East Power. “I’m proud North East participates in the program and sends such an amazing group each year.”
The students earned a trip to the workshop following a competitive selection process sponsored by each local electric cooperative.
Z’Nyla Bean, Jack-Wyatt East (from Lafayette High), Landon Faust, Andrew Gibson, Katelynn Kirkendall, Sneha Majumdar (from Oxford High) Hudson Nelson, Cole Oyler and JP Swain were selected to represent North East Power.
Students will travel to Washington, D.C. in June for a six-day youth leadership tour.
For more information about North East Power, please visit our website at www.nemepa.org.