Aldermen Looking to Open Up Boundary for Potential School Board Members
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The Oxford Board of Aldermen is considering a change to broaden the boundaries of where potential School Board members can live.
Currently, the city code says that all members of the Oxford School District Board of Trustees must live inside the city limits.
The proposed change would have the code read: “All members of the Board of Trustees shall reside within the Oxford Municipal Separate School Territory.”
While most OSD students and their families live inside the city limits, some live in Lafayette County, outside of the city limits, but are within the OSD territory and pay school taxes to the OSD.
“We really desire to have a very diverse board that represents the demographic makeup of our district and we believe by allowing ourselves the flexibility to appoint people who live within the Municipal School District … we will have a qualified and more diverse pool of applicants,” said Mayor Robyn Tannehill.
The Board heard the first reading of the proposed change on Tuesday and will hold the second reading and public hearing at 1 p.m. on Jan. 23 during a workshop session.
At-Large Alderman John Morgan said he feels the change is a “no-brainer.”
“We should have done this a long time ago,” Morgan said.