Invitation to Submit Project Ideas for 2023 Leadership Lafayette Class

Leadership Lafayette is an eight-month leadership program offered by the LOU Chamber of Commerce that provides business, non-profit, educators, community, and University leaders with a deeper understanding of our community.

Leadership Lafayette is accepting ideas from the local community for the class to consider for 2023.

The class is divided into teams, each selecting a project that can be accomplished by August. Projects may range from helping non-profits build support, organizing resources that will address a community problem, or tackling a need in the community.

Past projects have included: 

* Launching the Yokna Sculpture Trail

* Welcome signs for Lafayette County

* Assisting LOFT in creating the Night for Nonprofits program

The deadline to submit ideas is 5 p.m. on Feb. 1.

The project should be of a scope and scale that a team can complete the project by August.

All that is required for consideration is a short outline of your project/ need and a contact person that the team would connect with to learn more.

Click here to submit a project suggestion.

Staff report