News & Views
Supervisors Approve Conditional Use Permits
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The Lafayette County Board of Supervisors approved conditional use permits for a large storage building and a manufactured home in two separate cases heard during its regular meeting Monday.
The manufactured home, located on Private Road 2067, needed to seek a conditional use permit due to the land being in the Residential Medium Density, or R-2, zoning district. Manufactured homes are not outright allowed in the R-2 district.
The home will be placed on a half-acre of land next to an existing home to be used by family members of the property owner.
The commercial building, located on County Road 303, will be one of two buildings on a 6-acre tract of land. The building will be used for storage for the property owner’s business.
The property is located in a Commercial Medium Density-use building in a Rural, or A-1, zoning district. The building, about 5,000 square feet is not outright allowed in a Rural zone and required Board approval.