10 OHS Students Awarded with Academic Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs
Ten Oxford High students have earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Program.
These programs grant qualified students with academic honors that can be included on college and scholarship applications, helping them connect to colleges and stand out during the admissions process.
These students earned this recognition because of their academic achievements in school, including a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, and outstanding performance on the PSAT and/or AP exams – all of which were milestones accomplished during an immensely demanding period of their high school careers.
Candidates in this particular program category must also attend school in a rural area or small town in order to qualify.
The following OHS students were recipients of the award:
Aidan Sullivan, Ashley Sudduth, Audrey Case, Captain Alexander, Keerthin Karthikeyan, Navaneeth Srinath, Noah Amidon, Ria Contractor, William Berry and Yiping Wang.
The College Board National Recognition Programs are not affiliated with the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Staff report