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OPD’s First C.S.I Class to Focus on Social Media Safety for Youths
The Oxford Police Department will be holding its first C.S.I class for the LOU community this Thursday. C.S.I. stands for “Connecting, Serving and Investing.”
“We’re thrilled to be able to start the C.S.I. program this Thursday,” said. OPD Chief Jeff McCutchen. “This is something we’ve been discussing for a long time, and it’s great to see it come to fruition.”
The first session will be covering a parent’s guide on the effects of social media and cell phone safety
for youth.
“We will have presentations that cover social media and its effects on mental health, identifying dangerous activity, online safety, and the preventative measures and resources that are
available to parents,” McCutchen said
Drinks and snacks will be provided.
This class will be beneficial to parents who have children that are active on social media or using cell phones regularly. Officers will teach tips and tricks to keep students safe.
“In today’s digital world, students are being harassed, stalked, and sexually propositioned online,” McCutchen said. “We want to provide families with the tools they need to keep their children safe.”
The C.S.I. program will be hosted monthly during the school year and cover a different topic each
Staff report