Ole Miss Student-Athletes Eat to Compete with Partnership through University’s Nutrition and Hospitality Management Program
In order to ensure peak performance for Rebel student-athletes on the field, court, classroom and more, Ole Miss Athletics Sports Nutrition has teamed up with the UM Nutrition and Hospitality Management program to teach lifelong skills in the kitchen.
‘Eat to Compete’ is a theme that rings strongly throughout the department and is what sports dietitian Jordyn Kleve works to reinforce with student-athletes. Making conscious decisions in the training room and in one’s own kitchen truly can make a difference in performance when it comes time to compete.
“This program teaches our student-athletes life skills beyond their time here,” said Kleve. “Everyone has to eat and fuel their bodies, and this impacts overall performance. Getting in the kitchen provides education and cooking skills for student-athletes to take beyond their time here.”
For over the past decade, through its partnership with UM’s Nutrition and Hospitality Management program, student-athletes have the opportunity to participate in various activities at Lenoir Hall to gain experience in the kitchen to be well equipped to make smart eating choices. The relationship between Ole Miss Athletics and the program is just another resource the athletic department offers to assist student-athletes to be the best that they can be.
Each class is tailored to each team’s needs such as finding ways to increase nutrient intake or team building. From starting with basic skills from the beginning stages on how to cook and the methods behind it, food is brought to the forefront to bring a team together.
Not only do student-athletes gain valuable information from time spent in Lenoir Hall, but students from the NHM program gain further experience in the field of sports nutrition. Furthering these relationships across campus is another key component to the program as student-athletes venture out of their comfort zones by learning new skills through working with others. NHM and Ole Miss Sports Nutrition also partner through various research projects pertaining to college athletes including vitamin D, hydration, and bone density.
“With both departments out more in the community, students and student-athletes even gain insight into potential career opportunities,” said Kleve. “At the end, we are all Ole Miss and academics and athletics supporting each other is huge as a university.”
Courtesy of Ole Miss Athletics