OSD Board Members Look Back at Class of 2022; Look Ahead to 2023
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The Oxford School District took a look back over the 2021-2022 school year Monday during its regular Board of Trustees meeting before looking ahead to the next school year.
There 303 students graduated from Oxford High School in May, up from the 2020-2021 school that saw 244 graduating seniors. It was the second-largest graduating class since 2018.
Three seniors did not graduate this year.
Of those who graduated, 148 graduated with honors or special distinction, which was the most in the past five senior classes.
Three seniors were National Merit finalists, five seniors were STAR students and 38 seniors scored more than a 30 on the ACT test.
“I did take a peek at our junior class to see what was coming,” said Superintendent Bradley Roberson. “We currently have 36 juniors with at least a 30 on the ACT test with another 22 juniors who have a 28 or a 29. So you expect about half of those to be over 30 moving forward. We also have six juniors who have 35 or higher, which would make them STAR eligible.”
Enrollment for the past year was 4 percent higher than last year and projected enrollment numbers show another 4.5 percent growth.
So, more than 350 new students have registered with the district for the upcoming school year. Most of those new students, 198, will be attending pre-K.
The total maximum number of expected students attending the Oxford School District schools in the fall is 5,142 with the total predicted expected number of students to be 4,800.
“The maximum number is just what we think we could possibly have,” said SuzAnne Liddell, Chief of Accountability and Accreditation.
Last year’s actual enrollment in August was 4,738 with 4,682 enrolled at the end of the school year.
The Board also re-elected Carter Myers as Board President and Denny Tosh as secretary.