Lafayette County Residents to Vote Tuesday in US House of Rep Primary
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Mississippi’s congressional primaries are Tuesday, June 7.
Lafayette County residents will vote for their preferred candidate to serve as the U.S. House Representatives for District 1, a seat currently being held by U.S. Rep. Trent Kelly.
With Kelly on the Republican ballot is Mark D. Strauss.
On the Democratic ballot are Hunter Avery and Dianne Black.
The last day for in-person absentee voting is Saturday. The Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s Office offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon inside the Lafayette County Courthouse.
Registered voters may cast an absentee ballot if they have a conflict on voting day.
The general election will be on Nov. 8.
Voters are required to show photo identification at the polls. A voter without an acceptable form of photo identification is entitled to cast an affidavit ballot.
Click here to view a list of voting precincts for Lafayette County or contact the Circuit Clerk’s Office at (662) 234-4951.