City Begins Plans for Zoning Medical Marijuana Businesses
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Now that the city of Oxford has not opted out of allowing medical marijuana dispensaries, the city’s Planning Department has developed a plan on where they could be allowed to go.
On Monday, City Planner Ben Requet presented proposed modifications to the Land Development Code that created the Medical Cannabis Establishment Use.
As proposed, if approved cannabis cultivation facilities would be allowed by Special Use in Industry (IND) zones and by special exceptions in Traditional Neighborhood Business (TNB), Suburban Corridor (SCO), Suburban Center (SCN), Urban Corridor (UCO) and Urban Center (UCN) districts.
Dispensaries would be allowed by special use in TNB, SCO, SCN, UCO, UCN and IND.
Processing facilities would be allowed by special use in IND and via special exception in TNB, SCO, SCN, UCO and ICN.
Cannabis research facilities would be allowed as a special use in SCO, SCN, UCO, UCN and IND districts and via special exception in TNB.
Dispensaries, cultivation (growing) and other medical marijuana-related businesses would also have additional requirements and standards including providing odor prevention plans to mitigate odor from leaving the building.
Dispensaries cannot be located closer than 1,500 feet from another dispensary nor closer than 1,000 feet from a church, school or daycare.
City Attorney Paul Watkins reminded the commissioners that someone wanting to open any type of medical marijuana business or cultivation facility would need to get approved and receive a license from the state of Mississippi prior.
Any business site plan would still be reviewed by the city planning department and potentially the Planning Commission and Board of Aldermen.
The Commission recommended approval of the modifications to the Board of Aldermen. The Aldermen will review the modifications and hold a public hearing in the coming weeks.
Click here to read the complete proposed modifications to the Land Development Code.