Oxford Aldermen OK Outdoor Beer/Light Wine at Special, Approved Events Only
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The Oxford Board of Aldermen approved a change to its open container law for the city of Oxford to allow people to drink wine or beer on a street or sidewalk during city-approved events.
The change does not create a leisure/recreation district nor will be in place this weekend during the Double Decker Arts Festival as it won’t go into effect for another 30 days.
“This only allows alcohol to be served in a designated, specified area for a city-sponsored event upon the approval of the Board of Aldermen,” said Mayor Robyn Tannehill.
Currently, the Code of Ordinances states that it “shall be unlawful within the corporate limits for any person to consume or have in this possession any open container containing alcohol beverages … on any street, sidewalk, alley or public way.”
The change states that consuming beer or light wine would be allowed only “during an event sponsored, in whole or in part, by the city of Oxford if the city’s mayor and Board of Aldermen approve such possession and consumption in advance.”
All such designated areas shall be fenced or otherwise closed off from other portions of the street, sidewalk, alley or public way.
Alcoholic beverages, light wine and/or beer can only be sold or distributed at any such event by vendors approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is subject to all applicable state and local regulations, as well as any additional conditions imposed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.