Oxford Police Officers Get a Raise

Oxford Police Department Chief Jeff McCutchen announced Wednesday that Mayor Robin Tannehill and the Oxford Board of Aldermen recently voted to adjust all salaries of employees at the police department.

The salary adjustments will go into effect on Jan. 13.

“We’ve been struggling like a lot of other law enforcement departments across this nation to recruit and retain qualified people,” McCutchen said. “This is a major, major step forward in the right direction.”

The salary adjustments will take starting salaries for non-certified officers to $46,213 and officers with experience up to $57,842. Certified officers looking to lateral to OPD will be compensated based on their experience and training.

“I want to personally thank Mayor Tannehill and the Board of Aldermen in their continued avocation of law enforcement,” McCutchen said. “We want applicants to know that the Oxford Police Department is supported by our city leaders and the community.”

Applicants who wish to apply can go to the “Jobs” section of the city of Oxford website or contact OPD through social media or telephone with any questions.

Staff report