Lafayette County Joins Plan to Fix University/Hwy. 7 Interchange
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Lafayette County is on board with a joint agreement between the county, city of Oxford and the Mississippi Department of Transportation to improve the University Avenue and Highway 7 interchange.
On Monday, the Board of Supervisors approved the Memorandum of Agreement during its regular board meeting.
In the agreement, the county will contribute $1 million toward the project along with Oxford and MDOT that will also contribute $1 million each.
The Mississippi Legislature authorized $4 million in general obligation bonds for the project and Oxford also received about $1 million from two appropriation bills.
The agreement states that any expenses that exceed all state-appropriated and designated funds and funds contributed by the city and county, “shall be paid by MDOT.”
The last estimate done on the project three years ago was $9 million.
Also on Monday, the Board recognized Emergency Management Director Steve Quarles who recently completed his Mississippi Certified Emergency Manager certification.
According to the Mississippi Certified Emergency Manager website, certification recognizes those members who have demonstrated their abilities through years of service to their state, counties and communities.
Quarles can now use the designation “MCEM” following his name.
“We’re super proud to have you,” said Board President Mike Roberts before presenting Quarles with a plaque. “Thank you for all you do.”