Price Street Pig ‘Francis’ Has Reportedly Been Stolen

By Alyssa Schnugg

News editor

The beloved Price Street Pig has been stolen, according to his owner.

Image via @pricestreetpig

This morning, Ryan Byers posted that “Francis Bacon,” the movie prop pig from Hollywood, was stolen from Byers’ front yard sometime last night.

The large, realistic-looking pink pig, named after the artist Francis Bacon, has become an Oxford celebrity after he first appeared on Byers’ front yard. He has his own Instagram account and people often stop by to take pictures and grab a selfie with the life-like pig statue.

“Francis” was used as a movie prop for several years before Byers picked him up and the two moved to Oxford last year.

There is a $500 reward being offered for the return of Francis.

A video on Francis’ Instagram shows two people stealing Francis; however, the image is too unclear to identify the thieves. It does appear to be two males, one wearing a white jacket or shirt and the other possibly a red jacket or shirt.

Anyone with information is being asked to send a message to @pricestreetpig on Instagram.