Business Professor to Lead National Marrow Donor Program

By Kaitlyn Childress

University Communications

University of Mississippi business professor has been elected as chairman for the National Marrow Donor Program.

Brian Reithel, professor of management information systems, will begin his service at Be The Match as chair-elect for the 2022 fiscal year before stepping into the board chairman role for the following two years.

“This is a big opportunity to serve and I’m grateful for the chance to play an important role with a nationally and globally significant life-saving organization,” Reithel said.

Brian Reithel, a professor of management information systems, will serve as chair-elect for the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match for the 2022 fiscal year before serving as board chairman the following two years. Photo by Stella Connell/UM School of Business Administration

Reithel is a full-time professor of management information systems at the School of Business Administration. He also has held a number of leadership roles at the university and has continually used his skills and expertise to serve people and programs around him.

“Having Dr. Reithel serve as the chair of the National Marrow Donor program is a high honor and helps not only the outreach of the university, but also illustrates the service aspect of what we do,” said Ken Cyree, dean of the Ole Miss business school. “It is encouraging to see our faculty being so committed to bettering society and engaging in a cause like this.”

Reithel was previously elected to the Be The Match board of directors in 2014 in an effort to guide the organization’s information technology and corporate strategy.

“I’m very grateful to the university for supporting faculty members in our multiple roles – teaching, research and service – and am particularly thankful for being given this special opportunity to serve,” Reithel said.

Amy Ronneberg, CEO of the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match, said she is thrilled to have Reithel as chair-elect.

“I know that patients everywhere will benefit from Brian’s leadership over the next few years,” Ronneberg said. “Brian brings a wealth of knowledge, in not only the IT space but around our business as a whole, and a strong passion for what we do.

“Brian is also the chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, where he has led the committee through some of the most challenging times with grace and a steadfast focus on what is best for patients.”

For people with life-threatening blood cancers – such as leukemia and lymphoma – or other diseases, bone marrow transplants offer a possible cure. Be The Match connects patients with their donor match for a life-saving marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant.

“My involvement with Be The Match for the last seven years has powerfully illuminated the staggering depth of need for more people to share their experience and energy with such important life-saving organizations,” Reithel said.

Anyone interested can contribute to the cure as a member of the Be The Match Registry, financial contributor or volunteer. Be The Match provides patients and their families with one-on-one support, education and guidance before, during and after transplant.