K-12 Oxford, Lafayette Students Return to School in Two Weeks

K-12 area students have two more weeks of freedom. File photo.

In the distance, if you listen very closely, you can hear it – the collective sad sigh of all children in Oxford and Lafayette County as they realize school starts again in just two weeks.

Oxford students have one day longer of freedom as Lafayette County students return to school on Aug. 5 and Oxford kids will start Aug. 6.

As of today, both school districts will be opening with all in-person instruction with facemasks being optional – recommended for those who are not vaccinated but not required. However, that could change by an Executive Order from the Governor’s Office if deemed necessary.

In Oxford, pre-K and kindergarten students will have a staggered start, with boys only starting on Aug. 6 and girls only starting on Aug. 9. Then all students in pre-K and kindergarten will be in school together on Aug. 10.

Lafayette County does not have a staggered start.

Both districts have back-to-school plans available to read online. Lafayette County’s plan has been approved by the Board of Trustees while Oxford’s plan is set to be voted on Monday during the Board of Trustees meeting and the district is asking for input.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has extended its funding to allow students in both Oxford and Lafayette County to receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2021-2022 school year; however, they are asking parents to still fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications since the data is used for other grants and funding opportunities.

To help students be prepared for school, local school supply drives have taken place with more planned over the next couple of weeks.

The Oxford Community Church will hold its Back-to-School from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Old Armory Pavilion where there will be games, bounce houses, snow cones and free school supplies.

The state of Mississippi is holding the annual Sales Tax Holiday from 12:01 a.m., July 30 through midnight on July 31. Parents can save a few dollars when buying back-to-school clothing, supplies shoes and other accessories like backpacks, umbrellas, wallets, purses and more.