Oxford’s annual Fourth of July fireworks will be shot off again this year from behind Oxford High School.
For many years, the annual fireworks show was held at the Oxford-University Stadium at Swayze Field on the University of Mississippi campus. Last year, due to COVID-19, the city opted to shoot off the fireworks from high school since the location offered more places to view the fireworks from vehicles and maintaining social distancing.
“We received so many compliments last year about it being moved to OHS,” said Mayor Robyn Tannehill recently. “There are more places to sit and park and watch, and the traffic doesn’t get as congested. It also gives us a chance to promote the businesses on that side of town.”
While there are no longer restrictions on group gatherings due to the pandemic, the other Independence Day events held in previous years will not be taking place again this year.
According to Pam Swain, vice president of the Oxford-Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, there were not enough available volunteers to offer the other events, such as the Children’s Parade, the celebration in the Grove and the early morning Freedom 5K and Kids’ Fun Run races.
“In looking forward to the 2022 Fourth of July events, we hope to find some community partners who can help bring back the traditional activities that go along with the fireworks,” Swain said. “The chamber is currently seeking a couple of nonprofits to take over the pre-fireworks community activities and also the early morning 5K race for 2022.”
Swain said the two events are “great” fundraisers for nonprofits. Groups with the manpower to host larger events and wish to take them over should contact the chamber at 662-234-4651.
The fireworks are sponsored by the chamber, the city of Oxford, Lafayette County and Olin-Winchester and will begin at 9 p.m. on July 4.
But there is still fun to be had in Oxford over the Fourth of July weekend.
On July 2, the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council will host a Goodnight Market event at the Old Armory Pavilion from 6-8 p.m. There will be free hot dogs, live music, games and local vendors.
The movie, “Independence Day,” will be shown on the lawn next to the pavilion at 8 p.m.
Vendor spaces are still available. Click here for an application.