OSD Baseball/Softball Complex Construction to Begin Soon

Image via Eley Guild Hardy Architects PA

The construction of a new baseball and softball field complex at Oxford High School is set to begin this summer.

The complex is the final project of the 2017 voter-approved bond referendum for the Oxford School District and construction is just around the corner.

On Monday, the OSD Board of Trustees accepted three construction bids for the new facility that total about $5.2 million. The total estimated cost for the project is $6.7 million.

The $38 million bond from 2017 has been used for several projects, such as the new Central Elementary School and the new Fine Arts Building at OHS. All the projects have been completed, leaving the baseball/softball stadium the last project from the bond to be constructed.

“This is the final item in the capital improvement plan that was approved with the bond referendum,” said Superintendent Brian Harvey. “Excited about being able to do it. As a former baseball coach, I know it’ll be a fine complex for both baseball and softball.”

Harvey asked the Board to approve the bids for the project Monday and to authorize him to sign the contracts with the various contractors so that construction can begin as quickly as possible.

“With construction prices going up on some items, such as steel, lumber and copper … if there are changes in prices (on construction items), we’re subject to the contractors saying ‘We can’t move forward at that cost,’” Harvey said.

The fields will be located on the north side of OHS, behind the existing parking lot.

The bids approved by the Board of Trustees Monday were:

  • Eagle Golf & Athletics for the construction of the fields, at $1,356,994.
  • Advance Electric for the electrical work at the complex, at $997,596.
  • DC Services for general works, at $2,874,000.

The complex will include the fields, grandstands, practice facility, lockerrooms and a workout room.