Ward 5 Oxford Alderman Candidate Williams Q&A

The Oxford municipal Democratic primary will be held on Tuesday, April 6. Oxford residents in Wards 1, 3 and 5 can vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Oxford Conference Center for their preferred Democratic candidate for the Oxford Board of Aldermen in their respective wards.

This week, Hotty Toddy News is running Q&As with the candidates from each of the three wards that have candidates facing off in the primary election.

Today, we hear from Ward 5 candidate Tracey Williams who is running against incumbent Alderman Preston Taylor. The winner will run against Republican candidate Barney Chadwick in June.


Tracey Williams

Name: Tracey L. Williams 

Party: Democratic Party 

Profession: Market Research Analyst for Promatura Group, LLC

Why did you decide to run for office?

For several years, I have been a strong advocate for justice, not only for African Americans but for all races. When I became an activist, I noticed that the people of Oxford needed a voice and I have done my best to fulfill that void. Once again, God has called upon me to take on another task to become an alderwoman. I have listened to the questions, concerns and complaints from the residents of Ward 5 and I want to be their voice as well being a public servant to the citizens of Oxford. 

What do you bring to the table for this position?

As a member of the board, I will bring creative ideas and strong honest leadership skills. I will work closely with the other board members to get great results whilst being a catalyst for the residents of Ward 5. 

What do you feel is the biggest issue city leaders are facing and your thoughts on how to improve it?

One of the biggest issues the city leaders are facing is affordable housing. Five ways of resolving this crisis that has been effective in fourteen States are as follows: Create Affordable Housing Trust, Bond Elections, offering tax breaks, relax zoning and revitalize neighborhoods. Another issue is having reputable staffing for the animal shelter. The city and the county have a budget to fund and properly staff it, which will ensure the Board of Aldermen a solid say-so.

If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?

With a million-dollar grant, a portion of it would go into affordable housing, improvise better road conditions in the residential neighborhoods and provide money to continue the best educational system in Mississippi.

Click here to read the Ward 1 candidates Q&A.

Click here to read the Ward 3 candidates Q&A.