Absentee Voting for Oxford City Elections Now Open

Oxford ward map

Absentee voting for the upcoming municipal primary election is now open.

The Democratic primary will be held from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on April 6 for the Wards 1, 3 and 5 Board of Aldermen election. There is no Republican primary.

Voting will be at the Oxford Conference Center.

Absentee voting started on Monday and will be open until noon on April 3.

Those who wish to cast an absentee vote must bring a valid photo ID to City Hall where a voting area has been set up in the lobby.

Masks are required.

For those residents who have not yet registered to vote, the deadline to register is 5 p.m. on March 5. Voter registration can be done at City Hall or the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s Office inside the Courthouse on the Square.

Only citizens living inside the city limits may vote in the primary election and on June 6 in the general election.

The Ward 1 race between incumbent Aldermen Ricky Addy and candidate Bill Crews will be decided on April 6 as they are the only two candidates in the race.

In Ward 3, Democrats Brian Hyneman and Alexandria White will be on the primary election ballot. The winner will run against Republican candidate L.McQueen Miscamble on June 6.

In Ward 5, incumbent Aldermen Preston Taylor will face fellow Democrat candidates Justin Boyd and Tracey L. Williams. The winner will run against Republican candidate Barney Chadwick in June.

The office of mayor and the Aldermen seats in Wards 2, 6 and At-Large will be decided in the June election.

Ward 4 Alderman Kesha Howell-Atkinson has no opponents.

To request a mail-in absentee ballot, call 662-232-2350 or email aatkinson@oxfordms.net or jtolleson@oxfordms.net.

For questions about which ward you live in, call the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office at 662-234-4951.

The complete list of mayoral and aldermen candidates:

  • Mayor: Incumbent Mayor Robyn Tannehill (I), Brandon Pettis (I) and Kyle Davis (R).
  • Ward 1: Incumbent Alderman Rick Addy (D) and Bill Crews (D). To be decided during the April 6 primary.
  • Ward 2: Afton Thomas (D) and incumbent Alderman Mark Huelse (R).
  • Ward 3: Brian Hyneman (D), Alexandria White (D) and L.McQueen Miscamble (R). Hyneman and White will face off in the primary election. The winner will run against Miscamble.
  • Ward 4: Kesha Howell-Atkinson (no opponent)
  • Ward 5: Incumbent Alderman Preston Taylor (D), Justin Boyd (D), Barney Chadwick (R) and Tracey L. Williams (D). Taylor, Boyd and Williams will face off in the primary election. The winner will run against Chadwick in June.
  • Ward 6: Incumbent Alderman Jason Bailey (R) and Migueel Centellas (D)
  • At-Large: Incumbent Alderman John Morgan, (I) and Linda Porter Bishop (D)