Oxford, Lafayette Police Investigate Complaints About Animal Shelter

The Oxford Police Department and the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department are investigating complaints against the Mississippi Critterz Animal Shelter in Oxford.

According to a press release, the complaints were filed with OPD on Wednesday.

“The reports that were filed are in reference to complaints ranging from December 2018 to December 2020,” the release states.

The nature of the complaints were based on the overall treament of the animals, lack of medical care, over occupancy and disposal procedures for deceased animals.

An inspection of the shelter was conducted on Thursday.

“Both agencies will be meeting with city and county officials, along with animal shelter representatives next week,” stated the release signed by OPD Chief Jeff McCutchen and Sheriff Joey East. “Both agencies will continue to follow up to make sure that procedures are being followed and the animals are getting the best treatment possible.”

The complaints were filed after news reports of photos of dogs allegedly left outside in the cold recently were being shared on social media.

Aynslee Smith, president of the Mississippi Critterz Board of Directors told Hotty Toddy News on Tuesday that the dogs were only outside for a short time while their kennels were being cleaned.

Additional photos were shared that allegedly show plastic bags containing dead animals and other problems at the shelter.

The photos were presented to the MSCritterz Board in November by former shelter employees.

An internal investigation took place after that board meeting and Smith said some changes were made and that some of the allegations were “false.”

Mississippi Critterz runs the shelter on McElroy Drive and provides animal control services to the city of Oxford. Both Lafayette County and Oxford provide funding to the shelter. The city pays more for the animal control services since there are no leash laws in the county.